WP Plugin v1.1.9.5 – Revamped Vendor Auditing, Withdrawal, Mixed Upload Types & more

WP Plugin v1.1.9.5 – Revamped Vendor Auditing, Withdrawal, Mixed Upload Types & more

WP Plugin v1.1.9.5

This update adds better UX for improved applicant review flow and processing.

Revamped Vendor Auditing buttons and new “Withdrawal” status

The three review buttons have been replaced with one Set Status dropdown to save screen space. The new Withdrawal status is for applicants who may have been approved but can not attend for some reason. This will enable you to filter those who can’t attend and still maintain the regular review categories of your other applicants.

Set Status buttons are now combined into one dropdown to save screen space.

The vendor detail screen has been improved with the addition of applicant status, info hover-box and approval buttons. This makes it easy to page through every applicant and approve/decline them without leaving the detail screen.

You can now approve applicants from the vendor detail screen.

New “Mixed” Format Upload Type

When you want applicants to upload files to the application, you generally want them to upload documents OR images. But if you’re asking for a license of some sorts and you want to mark it as required, the applicant may upload it as a PDF or maybe they took a photograph of it with their cell phone.

Our new 3rd upload type, “Mixed”, allows them to upload either type of file and it will handle it based on what they upload.

If you’re not sure what format the applicant will be uploading, select Mixed.

Document Feedback on Application Form

When you are reviewing uploaded documents, you have the choice to either approve or reject the document. When you reject it, the applicant needs some kind of actionable feedback so they know how to correct the issue. You can now make comments that are 1) sent directly to the applicant and 2) will appear below the rejected document on the application.

After rejecting a document, you may make comments about remediation.

When the applicant goes back to the application to upload a new document, they see the same comments you made and sent them during the review process.

When the applicant goes back to the application to upload a new document, they see this.

Custom text blocks on Cart page

You can now add custom text to the top of the cart page. While this is good, it’s important to keep it minimal so it’s easy to navigate the page. You can also add a custom label and notes to the Split Payment section of the cart page.

Custom text can be added to the Cart page for clarifications and payment details.

WordPress Plugin v1.1.9.5 updates:


  • Added: Input mask for checkout credit card field with auto-detect of card type.

  • Added: Automatically add processor fees into base prices.
  • Added: Custom dialogue at Checkout for Split Payments and top of page.
  • Added: Mixed upload types (images or docs).
  • UX: Tweaked design of Checkout tables and forms.


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